lundi 31 janvier 2011

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الشروق أون لاين - وثيقة‭ ‬رسمية‭ ‬‮"‬سرية‮"‬‭ ‬تأمر عناصر الشرطة بترويع المصريين

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Plus d’immunité diplomatique couverte par la Convention de Vienne et d’exemption de visa d’entrée: les passeports diplomatiques précédemment délivrés à l'ancien président, de son épouse et de ses privilégiés, ont été révoqués. Dès réception, le 21 janvier 2011, de commissions rogatoires émises à l'encontre de l'ancien président, de son épouse et de plusieurs membres de leurs familles, les services compétents du ministère des Affaires étrangères ont, en effet, engagé une série de mesures à savoir :
1 - Informer, le 22 janvier 2011, toutes les représentations diplomatiques tunisiennes à l'étranger de l'ouverture d'une enquête contre l'ancien président tunisien, son épouse et les membres de leurs familles.
Ces représentations ont été chargées d'intervenir auprès des autorités compétentes dans les pays d'accréditation pour prendre les mesures conservatoires nécessaires au sujet des biens qui pourraient être en possession des personnes sus-indiquées, dont des comptes bancaires, des avoirs financiers, des actions, des parts dans des sociétés et des biens mobiliers et immobiliers ainsi que pour les geler et interdire leur circulation.
2 - Depuis le 22 janvier 2011 jusqu'au 30 janvier 2011, 16 commissions rogatoires ont été émises auprès des pays frères et amis.
3 - Considérant les listes de noms incluses dans les commissions rogatoires, le ministère des Affaires étrangères a procédé, à compter du 26 janvier 2011, à la révocation des passeports diplomatiques de l'ancien président et de son épouse ainsi que de tous ceux dont le nom figure dans les listes précitées.
Selon la même source, plusieurs passeports diplomatiques délivrés aux membres de la famille du président déchu et à d'anciens responsables ont été également annulés. Le nombre total des passeports diplomatiques annulés s'élève jusqu'à ce jour à 48 passeports.
A noter que les passeports diplomatiques sont considérés immédiatement et définitivement non valides, dès l'émission d'une note diplomatique aux pays étrangers à cet effet.
4 - En concrétisation de la décision du gouvernement d'opérer un mouvement dans le corps diplomatique, il a été mis fin, à partir du 29 janvier 2011, à la mission de plusieurs ambassadeurs et consuls généraux de la République tunisienne à l'étranger.

Tunisian cuisine;;Ingredients

Unlike other North African cuisine, Tunisian food is quite spicy. A popular condiment and ingredient which is used extensively in Tunisian cooking, harissa, is a hot red pepper sauce made of red chili peppers and garlic, flavoured with coriandercuminolive oil and often tomatoes. There is an old wives' tale that says a husband can judge his wife's affections by the amount of hot peppers she uses when preparing his food. If the food becomes bland then a man may believe that his wife no longer loves him. However when the food is prepared for guests the hot peppers are often toned down to suit the possibly more delicate palate of the visitor. Like harissa or chili peppers, the tomato is also an ingredient integral to the cuisine of Tunisia. Tunaeggsolives and various varieties of pastacereals, herbs and spices are also ingredients which feature prominently in Tunisian cooking.
Tunisian culinary ingredients includes the following typical elements:[citation needed]
Tunisians also produce grapes, wheat, barley and orchard fruits, which made into wines (Chateau Mornag), beers (Stella brand - now owned by Heineken of Holland), brandy (Bhouka - fig liqueur, Tbibanine - date liqueur), and apple ciders. Scented waters with dark rose or blossom petals, similar to agua fresca with flowers, have been called "scents from heaven".
Tabil, pronounced "table" is a word in Tunisian Arabic meaning "seasoning " (similar to 'adobo' in Spanish) and now refers to a particular Tunisian spice mix, although earlier it only meant ground coriander. Paula Wolfert makes the plausible claim that tabil is one of the spice mixes brought to Tunisia by Muslims coming from Andalusia in 1492 after the fall of Granada. Today, tabil, closely associated with the cooking of Tunisia, features garlic, cayenne pepper, caraway seeds and coriander pounded in a mortar, then dried in the sun. It is often used in cooking beef, veal and game.
Thanks to its long coastline and numerous fishing ports, Tunisia offers an abundant and varied selection of fish. Most diners in Tunisia are also content to have their fish fillet simply fire-grilled and seasoned with olive oil, a lemon squeeze and salt and pepper to taste. Fish can also be baked, fried in olive oil, stuffed, seasoned with cumin (kamoun). Squid, cuttle fish, and octopus are served in hot crispy batter with slices of lemon, in a cooked salad, or stuffed and served with couscous.
Tunisians also love fire-grilled stuffed vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, squash and turnips.
Although Tunisians do consume dairy products such as milk (hlib), buttermilk (lban), yoghurt (yaghurt) and soft cheeses (jban), these dairy products are never used as ingredients in national dishes.

[edit]Regional Cuisines

Tunisia has different regional aspects. Tunisian cuisine varies from north to south, from the coast to the Atlas Mountains, from urban areas to the countryside, and along religious affiliations.
For instance, the original inhabitants of Tunis (the Beldiya), do not use harissa much; they prefer milder food, and have also developed their own breads and desserts. Their dominant culinary influences are French and Italian and their diet evolves around beef, turkey and chicken.[citation needed]
Closer to the Atlas mountain range, game is favoured. A diet may be composed of quail, pigeons, squads, partridge, rabbits and hare. In the Cap Bon, people enjoy tuna, anchovies, sardines, sea bass and mackerels. On the island of Djerba, where there is a dense Sephardic population, only Kosher foodstuffs are consumed. In Hammammet, snails are enjoyed. Organs are traditionally staples of Tunisian cooking, such as tripe, lamb brains, beef liver and fish heads.

[edit]Main dishes

Couscous, the national dish of Tunisia, can be prepared in many ways, and is considered by Tunisian people to be the best couscous of North Africa. It is cooked in a special kind of double boiler called a kiska:s in Arabic or couscoussière in French, resembling a Chinese steamer atop a Mongolian pot.
Meats, vegetables and spices are cooked in the lower pot. Cooking steam rises through vents into the container above. It is layered with whole herbs such as bay leaves and covered with a fine-grain couscous. The couscous pasta is therefore cooked with aromatic steam. During the cooking process, the couscous needs to be regularly stirred with a fork to prevent lumping, as risotto is cooked.
Preferred meats include lamb (kousksi bil ghalmi) or chicken (kousksi bil djaj) but regional substitutes red snapper, grouper (kousksi bil mannani), sea bass (kousksi bil warqua), hare (kousksi bil arnab) or quail (kousksi bil hjall).
Although there are many ways to prepare and compose the dish, a classic recipe would call for the following ingredients: salted butter, bell peppers, shallots, Spanish onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, chickpeas, chili pepper, harissa, celery, cinnamon, black peppercorn, carrots, turnips and squash. The idea is for the dish to contain many vegetables and a variety of Mediterranean ingredients.
The first layer consists of a mound of couscous, then a layer of vegetables follows, and finally the meat is positioned on top. The presentation is finished with a drizzle of sauce and a sprinkle of fresh parsley, basil or mint (for lamb and mutton couscous).
Substituting orzo, rice, Israeli couscous or barley for fine-grain couscous is not acceptable. In some regions, a medium-grain couscous is seldom used.
Typical Tunisian dishes are brik (a fried Malsouka dough stuffed with tuna and an egg), tajin (like a frittata or a quiche), shorba (soups), slata (salads), marqua (stews), rishta (pastas), samsa (a popular pastry), kifta (ground meat), kaak (pastries), gnawiya (gombos), merguez (lamb sausage) and shakshouka (ratatouille).
Unlike Moroccan tajines, a tajine in Tunisia usually refers to a kind of "quiche", without a crust, made with beaten eggs, grated cheese, meat and various vegetable fillings, and baked like a large cake.
A popular seafood speciality is the 'poisson complet' or the whole fish. The entire fish, excluding internal organs, is prepared and fire-grilled, but it can also be fried, grilled or sautéed. It is accompanied with potato chips and either mild or spicy tastira. The peppers are grilled with a little tomato, a lot of onion and a little garlic, all of which is finely chopped and served with an egg poached or sunny side up. Finely chopped fresh parsley is sprinkled on top; a drizzle of lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt complete the recipe.


In Tunisian cuisine, there are no sauces as in classic French cuisine, such as sauce béarnaise, sauce anglaise, sauce allemande or sauce hollandaise. Tunisian sauces, which are closer to spicy broths, are an integral part of the dish. Otherwise olive oils are often used as sauces, such as with the Tuna Fricassee.
This said, harissa or hrissa is often said to be a Tunisian sauce, but it is better described as an ingredient of Tunisian cooking or a seasoning. Harissa is made of red chili, garlic, salt, cumin, coriander, olive oil, and sometimes also caraway or mint.
Two Tunisian sauces deserve mentioning: the Kerkennaise sauce and the Mloukhia. The first is made of capers, olive oil, tomato, scallions, coriander, caraway, cumin, parsley, garlic, white vinegar and paprika. The later is a dark green sauce served with shredded lamb or beef.

[edit]Other popular food and recipes

Traditional Tunisian bread being made
Tunisian pastries
  • Asida - a sweet gruel pudding
  • Baklawa - layers of thin pastry interspersed with ground pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios, brushed in golden butter, baked and dipped in a honey syrup.
  • Bambaloni - fried sweet donut-like cake served with sugar.
  • Berber-style lamb stew - A simple stew of lamb cooked with vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, in a traditional clay pot.
  • Bouza - rich and sticky sorghum puree.
  • Brik - tiny parcels of minced lamb, beef, or vegetables and an egg wrapped in thin pastry and deep fried.
  • Chakchouka - a vegetarian ragout similar to ratatouille with chickpeas, tomatoes, peppers, garlic and onions, served with a poached egg.
  • Chorba - a seasoned broth, with pasta, meatballs, fish, etc.
  • Felfel mahchi - Sweet peppers stuffed with meat, usually lamb, and served with harissa sauce.
  • Fricasse - tiny sandwich with tuna, harissa, olives and olive oil. It bears no similarity to the classic continental European casserole of the same name.
  • Guenaoia - Lamb or beef stew with chillies, okra, and spices.
  • Houria - cooked carrot salad.
  • Lablabi - rich garlicky soup made with chickpeas.
  • Langues d'oiseaux or "birds' tongues", a type of soup pasta shaped like rice grains.
  • Khobz Tabouna - traditional oven-baked bread.
  • Koucha - shoulder of lamb cooked with turmeric and cayenne pepper.
  • Makroudh - semolina cake stuffed with dates, cinnamon and grated orange peel.
  • Masfouf - sweetened couscous, the Tunisian version of the Moroccan seffa.
  • Marqa - Slow-cooked stews of meat with tomatoes and olives, somewhat similar in concept to the Moroccan tajine stews.
  • Mechouia Salad - an hors d'oeuvre of grilled sweet peppers, tomatoes and onions mixed with oil lemon, tuna fish and hard-boiled eggs.
  • Merguez - small spicy sausages.
  • Mhalbiya - cake made with rice, nuts and geranium water.
  • Mloukhia - A beef or lamb stew with bay leaves, the name is from the green herb used, which produces a thick gravy that has a mucilaginous (somewhat "slimy") texture, similar to cooked okra.
  • Noicer pasta - very thin, small squares of pasta made with semolina and all-purpose flour, flavoured with Tunisian Bharat, a blend of ground cinnamon and dried rosebuds.
  • Ojja - scrambled egg dish made of tomatoes and mild green chillies supplemented with various meats and harissa.
  • Osbane - pieces of animal gut stuffed with meat and offal, a speciality from Monastir.
  • Tunisian Salad - diced cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, onions and seasoned with olive oil. May be garnished with olives, eggs and tuna. Analogous to the French Niçoise salad and Greek salad.
  • Samsa - layers of thin pastry alternated with layers of ground roast almonds, and sesame seeds, baked in lemon and rosewater syrup.
  • Zitounia - ragout of veal or other meats simmered in a tomato sauce and onions, flavoured with olives.
  • Torshi - turnips marinated with lime juice.
  • Yo-yo - donuts made with orange juice, deep fried then dipped in honey syrup.
  • Harissa - Harissa is a traditional Tunisian hot chilli paste


Tunisien cuisine

Tunisian cuisine, the cuisine of Tunisia, is a blend of Mediterranean and desert dwellers' culinary traditions. Its distinctive spicy fieriness comes from neighbouring Mediterraneancountries and the many civilizations which have ruled the land now known as Tunisia: PhoeniciansRomansArabsTurkishFrench, and the native Berber people. Many of the cooking styles and utensils began to take shape when the ancient tribes were nomads. Nomadic people were limited in their cooking implements by what pots and pans they could carry with them. A tagine, for example, is actually the name for a pot with a conical lid, although today the same word is applied to what is cooked in it.
Like all countries in the Mediterranean basin, Tunisia offers a "sun cuisine," based mainly on olive oil, spices, tomatoes, seafood and meat (primarily lamb)

Boissons tunisien

La citronnade et le citron pressé sont consommés en abondance pendant les mois d'été. La citronnade se prépare le plus souvent avec le citron entier, écorce comprise, et du sucre. Les jus d'orange, de grenade, d'abricot et de pêche sont aussi assez commun dans le pays.
La limonade locale, baptisée Boga, est une boisson gazeuse disponible dans au moins quatre variantes : la Boga simple, la Boga Cidre (aucaroube), la Boga Lim (citron) et la Boga Menthe. Les sirops sont servis à l'occasion de la plupart des cérémonies ; le sirop d'orgeat est réalisé à base d'amandes douces et amères. Parmi les autres sirops figurent le sirop de rose, de grenadine, de menthe, de pistache et d'orange.

Bouteille de boukha
Le thé se boit sous plusieurs formes, la plus répandue étant le thé à la menthe ; il peut être accompagné de pignons, d'amandes ou d'arachides grillées. Le thé vert s'aromatise habituellement à la menthe et le thé noir (appelé thé rouge en Tunisie) aux feuilles de géranium. Le café se boit pour sa part sous ses formes les plus connues (expressofiltre, etc.) mais le café traditionnel reste le café turc (arbi ou zazoua), souvent aromatisé avec quelques gouttes d'eau defleur d'oranger.
Le laban, lait fermenté, longtemps battu artisanalement dans une outre en peau de chèvre et produit actuellement de façon industrielle, correspond auyaourt et au kéfir liquide. Le legmi est constitué de la sève des palmiers récoltée au lever du jour ; cette boisson est sucrée et se boit comme jus de fruit. Cependant, elle fermente rapidement et devient en l'espace de quelques heures un vin de palme recherché dans certaines localités du pays.
La Tunisie possède sa bière locale baptisée Celtia, disponible aussi bien en bouteille qu'en cannette. La boukha est un alcool de figue, généralement assez fort, qui est surtout préparée par les Juifs tunisiens. La thibarine est un alcool de dattes, et, est un genre de grappa, aromatisée avec des plantes, et créée à l'origine par des prêtres chrétiens présents dans le pays. Plusieurs vins sont également produits dans les régions du nord du pays dont certains sont rattachés à diverses AOC.